膀胱海绵状血管瘤罕见,Arbuthnot Lane于1895年首次报道,1969年Fuleihan等曾结合病例作过综述,国内也有过报道,我院收治1例膀胱巨大海绵状血管瘤,并伴发囊腺性膀胱炎,报告如下:患者女性,54岁,因间歇性全程血尿2年于1989年5月2日科院,患者时伴尿痛、尿急、尿频,但无血块和结石排出,无发热和消瘦等。查体:双肾未触及,下腹正中可触及约3×3×2cm质中包块,无搏动,边缘不清楚,有深压痛。B超检查:双肾正常,膀胱壁不光滑,其底部探及5.3×4.3×4cm的强回声光团,其内回声不均,边缘极不规整,不随体位变动,诊
Bladder cavernous hemangioma rare, Arbuthnot Lane was first reported in 1895, Fuleihan et al had combined cases in 1969, have also been reported in our hospital, a case of giant cavernous hemangiomas was treated in our hospital, accompanied by cystular bladder Inflammation, reported as follows: Female patients, 54 years old, due to intermittent hematuria 2 years in May 2, 1989 ASTRI, patients with dysuria, urgency, frequent urination, but no clots and stones discharged without fever and weight loss Wait. Physical examination: the kidneys did not touch, the middle of the lower abdomen can reach about 3 × 3 × 2cm mass in the mass, without beating, the edge is not clear, there are deep tenderness. B-ultrasound: normal kidneys, bladder wall is not smooth, the bottom of exploration and 5.3 × 4.3 × 4cm of the strong echo light, the echo uneven, the edge is very irregular, does not vary with position, diagnosis