远程会诊技术开创了医疗卫生事业发展的新纪元。本文就 5例病理图像远程会诊 ,与同道们共同探讨、交流。1 设备配置IBM 586微机 1台和彩色CCD摄像机 ,彩色图像采集板 ,OLYMPUSBX 4 0显微镜 1台。高清晰度彩色病理图文分析系统 (同济医科大学千屏影像工程公司 )
Teleconsultation technology pioneered a new era in the development of health care. This article on the remote diagnosis of 5 cases of pathological images, and fellow colleagues to discuss and exchange. 1 device configuration IBM 586 microcomputer 1 and color CCD camera, color image acquisition board, OLYMPUSBX 40 microscope 1 Taiwan. High-definition color pathological image analysis system (Tongji Medical University 1000 screen video engineering company)