苏联犹太裔作家巴别尔以自己的亲身经历和感受创作了《骑兵军》,表达了对战争和革命的反思。战争岁月的腥风血雨使他清醒地看到以恶制恶的负面效应——过度的暴力和杀戮使人们见识到以革命的名义戕害革命理想的残酷现实。在这部由30 多则短篇组成的小说集里,巴别尔用讽喻的手法表达了一种睥睨善恶颠倒的立场。透过《骑兵军》,我们看到了人性本身充满着悖谬与分裂。另外,《骑兵军》极为独异的叙事方式也为其在文学界赢得了赞誉。
The Soviet Jewish writer Babel created “cavalry army” with his personal experience and feelings, expressing his reflection on war and revolution. The bloody years of the war gave him a sober look at the negative effects of evil and evil - excessive violence and killing have led people to realize the brutal reality that revolutionized revolutionary idealism in the name of revolution. In the novel, which consists of more than 30 short stories, Babel uses allegory to express a position of perverting good and evil. Through the “cavalry army,” we see that human nature itself is full of absurdities and divisions. In addition, “Cavalry Army” extremely unique way of narrative also earned praise in literary circles.