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教育家苏霍姆林斯基主张,学生作文写作切忌脱离生活,若是能够巧妙地运用各种方法让学生感悟生活,体验生活,用文字表达实际生活中的情感,这样必然会写出很多美文佳作。教学过程中,教师要引导学生关注焦点、体察人生、强调伦理,在体验中写作、成长,收获了理想的课堂效果。 Educator Suhomlinski advocated that student writing should not be divorced from life. If it can skillfully use various methods to make students feel life, experience life and express emotions in real life in words, it is bound to write many beautiful works of art . In the process of teaching, teachers should guide students to focus their attention, understand life, emphasize ethics, and write, grow and gain ideal classroom results in experience.
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Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) is a common malignancyworldwide. While bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract(BGIT) has a well known association with HCC, such
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Hepatic ischemia reperfusion injury(HIRI) is a clinical condition which may lead to cellular injury and organ dysfunction. The role of nitric oxide(NO) in HIRI