一、概述丹江口水利枢纽施工导流工程,根据壩址处的水文、地形、地质条件;结合水工布置,分为两期。第一期先围右岸,围堰及基坑工程在党的英明领导下,由于十万劳动大军日夜奋战,业已先后完成,而斩断汹湧汉江河水的截流工程,也于1959年12月26日胜利结束,目前正在填筑第二期上下游横向围堰。第二期围堰工程包括:一、二期合用砼纵向围堰和左岸上下游横向围堰。上游横向围堰轴线长336米,堰顶高程为126米,最大高度为46米, 1960年汛期,在设计条件上游水位达到122.4米高程时,可以蓄水20亿立方米。校核条件当上游水位为125.4米时,可蓄水26亿立方米;下游横向围堰轴线长386.5米,堰顶高程102.5米,最大高度
I. Overview Danjiangkou Water Conservancy Project diversion project, according to dam site hydrology, topography, geological conditions; combined with hydraulic layout, divided into two phases. The first phase of the first Wai Wai, cofferdam and foundation pit project under the wise leadership of the party, as a hundred thousand working people fought day and night, has been completed, and cut off the surging Hanjiang River closure project, also in December 26, 1959 The victory over Japan, is currently filling the second phase of the horizontal cofferdam. The second phase cofferdam project includes: one or two combined longitudinal concrete cofferdam and left bank upstream and downstream horizontal cofferdam. The upstream transverse cofferdam has a shaft length of 336 meters and a weir crest elevation of 126 meters with a maximum height of 46 meters. During the flood season in 1960, when the upper reaches of the design conditions reached an elevation of 122.4 meters, it could store 2 billion cubic meters of water. Check conditions When the upstream water level of 125.4 meters, the water storage 2.6 billion cubic meters; downstream horizontal cofferdam axis 386.5 meters long, weir crest elevation 102.5 meters, the maximum height