Bilateral lateral well readings are known to have been affected by mud invasion. In order to get rid of this kind of influence, in order to find out the true resistivity of the strata, in the past, the following two work mainly from the following aspects: (1) The establishment of the interpretation of various conditions plate; (2) Simulation of induction logging geometry factor theory, the establishment of lateral Approximate Geometry Theory of Well Logging. The former method requires a large number of plates to be produced. Although the latter method is simple, it can not adapt to complicated formation conditions. But also because of the use of both intrusive zone resistivity R_i (or wash zone resistivity R_x.) Data, so their application is limited. The article “New Method of Bilateral Logging Invasion Correction” published in “Logging Technology”, No.6, 1983, discusses the method of solving deep strata Resistivity method and proposed a new formula for double-lateral logging intrusion correction: