贵州省人民医院是一所大型综合性三级甲等医院,建院58年来为我省人民的健康事业作出了不少贡献。2002年4月新一届领导班子组建后,进一步解放思想、开拓创新,以人为本加强“医院文化”建设,通过提高人的素质促进医院各项事业的发展,2004年荣膺“全国纪检监察工作先进集体”、“全国卫生系统先进集体”。 该院把建设“医院文化”作为重要工作来抓,成立了医院文化领导小组及办公室,由院党政一把手牵头,党办、院办、工会等部门负责人为成
Guizhou Provincial People’s Hospital is a large-scale, comprehensive three-tier A hospital. It has made a lot of contribution to the health of the people in our province for 58 years. After the formation of the new leadership team in April 2002, they further emancipated the mind, pioneered and innovated, put people first to strengthen the construction of “hospital culture”, and promoted the development of various hospitals by improving the quality of people. In 2004, the company was awarded the “National Supervision and Inspection Advanced collective work, “national advanced collective of health system”. The hospital took construction “hospital culture” as an important task, and set up a hospital culture leading group and office, led by the party’s party and government leaders, the party committee, the college office, the union and other departments responsible for the