The application of advertising media in the market

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  Abstract:The more discerning consumers, more complicated competitive pressure,given the advertising media is a dialectical color theory, an advertising media era is coming. Advertising market to the left, right, cooperation between the two pulled into an invisible circle, the connection between the information and the target customers, target customers on the absorption ofeffective information dissemination and sufficient.
  Key Words:Advertising media new market
  1. The role of advertising media
  With the consumers being pickier and the competitive pressure being more and more intensive, the advertising media has been endowed with color of dialectics. Confronting with the ever-changing consuming psychology, what advertising methods are effective What we must admit is that an advertising media era is approaching. On the one hand, piles of TV newspapers have intensified of the fierceness of competition. The situation of chasing limited consumer goods with intensive advertising media has pushed enterprises to introduce new constantly and attract consumers with all kinds of advertising media; on the other hand, as the consumers has become increasingly rational and their consumption choices have changed, new advertising strategies are needed to guide the market development in the future.
  In the last century, the power of advertisement influenced the market for the whole century. Advertisement has swept various aspects of marketing when promoting new products, expanding market, attracting investments, looking for new selling channels, competing with competitors. Advertisement has become omnipotent in people’s subconscious.
  2. Newborn Advertising Media
  1. Mobile media has created a new media era. Mobile media has become a new form of interacting. Mobile TV is another creation of new technology. Now no one may think the number of mobile phone newspaper users will be larger than the number of readers of newspaper online or newspaper printed. However, mobile phone newspaper indeed provide a kind of enjoyment of happy reading for the public crave news but are busy on walking by a form of the 21st century.
  2. Wall advertising is also a kind of important form of advertising. Wall advertising here mainly refers to advertisements on walls with broad visible size along highways, roads and railways. Apart from advertising, political slogans are common as well. One thing we should pay attention to is that these advertisements are more commonly found in vast second or third grade markets than in markets of bustling cities. Among the various causes of this case, the most significant is reasonableness. Considering the small amount of population reading newspapers and using internet in the second and third grade markets, the brand requirements of enterprises, advertisements visible and understandable are preferred. Based on these reasons, a wall-advertising company in Hunan entered the top one hundred advertising companies in China in the early 1990s.   According to analysis of advertising website, the scope of wall advertising is very large. They can be scrawled at the side of the roads and railways whatever fortune global 500 or local small clinic but its weakness is obvious. Due to the characteristic of rapid development of domestic construction enterprise and that wide range of wall is difficult to supervise and maintain etc, gold position today may become garbage dump a few months later, which is overwritten or altered and lose the meaning of propaganda.
  Color TV, chemical fertilizer, mobile, Unicom, hospital etc is the main body of wall advertisement today, which form a beautiful scenery line. In the future, wall will be self-built, namely enterprise set up large wall on prominent location, which beautifies the environment, propaganda enterprise and is convenient for management. It can be said to be one of the major advertising positions of small market.
  3. Outdoor advertising have become new favor of the advertisers. With increase of travel and leisure activities and widespread application of new technology, outdoor media has become new favor of the advertisers, and its growth rate is bigger than traditional TV, newspaper and magazine media. Especially Focus Media launched a series of mergers and acquisitions after it was successful listed on NASDAQ. After market value reached new highs, "outdoor media" become a new hot spot is focused of venture investors.
  In the 21st century, outdoor advertising already broke through the single shop billboards types, and now there are more new outdoor media: automobile body advertisement, shelters advertisement, subway advertisement, elevator advertisement, high column advertisement, three dimensions advertisement, wall advertisement, roof advertisement, neon lights advertisement, LED display esc. With the reform and opening-up of city, outdoor advertising is abandoning rough development and enters into a new development stage of the optimization and consolidation, which is good in the policy of people-oriented and harmonious development in the future.
  3. The cooperation of advertising media and markets
  If the comparison of marketing is a circle, corporations and products are located on one end of the circle; consumers are located on the other end. Pr lines to the left in the marketing promotion. The distance of consumer and enterprise/product is reduced by a variety of ways of the news report, symposium, BBS, public welfare activities esc. Ads line to the right and the company/product information are pushed to consumers through the exquisite picture, penetrating slogan, and straightforward way of information release and so on. The perfect cooperation of they two make marketing play a biggest role in product promotion, product branding, and product crisis management.   For those products with low public acceptability and poor trust, it is really difficult to open up the market and make the target customers accept relevant information with only advertising promotion. This kind of products is products with high professionalism and low public attention like industrial products, medicines with too much false information. Thus, under this circumstance, advertisements can only be promoted with the assistance of public relations.
  Shi yuzhu typically used the strategy of that pr lines to the left and ads line to the right when promoting “Naobaijin”. He represented the functions of this product vividly through seven articles with high readability and rather secret advertising information. He engraved the brand “Naobaijin” and the exaggerated functions of it in people’s mind gradually then enforced the image and mention rate in public with overwhelming advertisement continuous playback. Although the promotion strategies of “Naobaijin” have raised lots of controversy, we can not deny the successful result of it. The subjective and authority of public relation has effectively added the permeation of advertisement and finally helped the product get a great amount of sequacious customers. From this point of view, one can see that advertising media and public relation constitute the whole promotion system and the close conjunction between them promotes the information transmission and marketing results.
  Located in the small household appliances industry, Galanz has been keeping advertising promotion as a regular marketing strategy. Galanz communicate benign information such as product features, technical advantages, and price advantages to consumers through a series of ads, that make they can accept without a break the latest information of Galanz and keep attention for Galanz. At the same time, thay can build the popularity of Galanz in industry, media and public.
  When permeating information with advertising media, Galanz uses interviewing, news reports, special introductions etc. to transmit information beneficial to the company which representing its latest technologies, leading the future of this industry and showing the rewards of its productions to its consumers. What’s more, the vise general manager of Glalanz Yuyaochang keeps attending all kinds of Fortune Forums, Industry summits, corporate dialogues and other thematic meetings to talk about several of topics on Galanz to create press points.
  Marketing essence is not the product competition but competition cognition: a product is what in consumers' minds is more important than it is what this actually, which determines that the competition of highest level between enterprises is not competition of product function but competition of enterprise brand. And "pull" of public relations and "push" of advertising help consumers to overcome all kinds of cognitive impairment and strengthen their sense of trust for enterprise/product, which create a strong brand influence of enterprise/product.   The essence of advertising is promoting the information of enterprise and product by a foolproof way, and its shortcoming lies in that credibility is in declining. The successful promotion of marketing lies in the organic integration of public relations and advertising media. Target customers are tracked and can't escape surrounding and influence of information tangible or intangible through close coordination with each other, exerting their respective advantages and strengths, using a variety of means and propaganda way.
  Pr lines to the left and ads line to the right. The coordination between they two form an invisible circle, which joints seamlessly information and target customers and makes target customers to absorb information effectively and fully.
  Bibliography :
  [1]graphic design my second language author: Bob Gil (United States).
  [2] Author: visual performance (day) south of the clouds Zhijia.
  [3] art story Author: [UK] Gombrich (Sir E.H.Gombrich).
  [4]Design: Kenya Hara (Japan).
  [5] but Misaki Sato and the creative thinking of the author: Misaki Sato's.
  [6]Graphic Design Cookbook graphic design recipes.
摘 要:共同受贿是受贿犯罪的一种特殊形态,它比单独受贿更具复杂性,是当前受贿犯罪的一个显著特点。在司法实践中,由于对刑法有关条款的理解和对共同犯罪理论的具体应用尚存争议,各司法机关对共同受贿犯罪的判定标准不一,执法各异,成为当前困惑司法实践的一个难题,直接影响了打击受贿犯罪的力度和效果。本文从受贿罪的主体资格认定、客体、主观方面的认定、客观方面的认定以及立法、司法上需要完善的相关问题做了相应的分析
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语文教学融合知识教育、能力训练、道德培养、情操陶冶于一体,使学生既获得知识、培养了能力,还能受到情与理的潜移默化,从而表现出在人格塑造方面得天独厚的优势。  学生的语文素质主要包括三个方面:语言素质、文学素质、思想道德文化素质。语文教师可以充分利用语文教育特有的形象性、情感性、生动性,在潜移默化中对学生进行共产主义、爱国主义、集体主义教育。达到提高学生人格思想素质的目的。语文教学中,岳飞“壮志饥餐
我校实行双语教学已经有10年了,在“双语教学”这一新型教学模式下,我们不断地向上海等教育领先的地方学习,自己不断研究探索,终于走出一条与总不同的教学路线。我担任了双语音乐的教学,这是一个很大的挑战,我研究教学案例,自主设计教案、实施教学,让自己在实践过程中不断的成长。  双语课程的教学和学习对教师和学生都提出了较高的要求。最重要的是解决语言问题,提高自身的语言能力,学校的外教为我们建立了良好的桥梁
如何在实践中创新和加强基层党建工作,是摆在各级党组织的头等大事。油田企业以深入开展“创先争优、比学赶帮超暨精细管理深化年”活动为动力,持续加强党员干部队伍建设,充分发挥党组织的战斗堡垒作用和党员的先锋模范作用,为打造石油工程铁军提供坚强的政治和组织保证,推动了公司持续有效健康发展。  一、弘扬正气,锤炼作风,在打造铁军中不断提升党员干部素质  党员干部队伍素质的高低是搞好各项工作的前提,因此,公司
在教师积极努力下,课程改革给学校带来了明显的变化。现就数学课教学实践略谈怎样才能让学生感受数学的乐趣,让数学课更具吸引力,诚请同仁斧正。  首先要体现学生主体地位,把课堂还给孩子。新课程的理念之一,就是把本该属于孩子的课堂还给孩子。课堂教学是课改的主阵地,只有将课改的新思想、新理念融入课堂教学的每一个环节,教师和学生积极参与,才能取得良好的效果。一是要改变教学空间。课堂教学活动是在课堂这一特定环境
摘 要:随着普通话的推广与普及,普通话教学一直受到广大教师及各个行业的广泛重视。因此使学生更好地认识到普通话在社会及其人生历程中发挥的重要作用,就成了语文教师不可推卸的职责。中学语文教师在普通话教学中应当负起重大的责任。如何提高中学语文普通话教学水平就成了亟待解决的问题。探讨提高中学语文普通话教学水平的方法就十分重要。  关键词:中学语文;普通话;教学方法  新中国成立之后,接连颁布了多项推广普通
摘 要:《新闻采写》是一门实践性极强的课程,情境教学是行之有效的授课方式,在教学中有意识地创设情境将有利于学生采访与写作水平的提高。从新闻采写课程的特点出发,针对汉语言文学专业学生的培养目标和个性,分析说明新闻写作课实施情境教学的理论依据、可行性,以及创设情境对构建该课程开放式教学模式的实践意义。  关键词:情境教学;新闻采访与写作;汉语言文学;教学改革  《新闻采写》是汉语言文学专业的一门专业重