幽门螺旋杆菌(Helicobacter pylori,HP)感染的确切感染源及感染途径目前结论尚不一致,已有流行病学资料证明感染有群体聚集现象。本研究对长期以单一藏餐为主,集体生活并共用餐具的喇嘛进行HP感染的流行病学调查,以探讨感染的途径。
The exact source of infection and the route of infection of Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection are not consistent at present. Epidemiological data have been obtained to prove that there is colony aggregation in the infection. In this study, an epidemiological investigation of HP infection was conducted on lamas who had long been dominated by a single Tibetan meal and lived together as a communal tableware to explore ways of infection.