【摘 要】
First, the basic situation of the lower reaches of the Yellow River and remediation project 1 River Yellow River at the end of the middle (Henan Province, Mengjin County, near Baihe Town) out of the gorge, the river gradually widened to become a heap of rivers. From the crane town to estuary river A total length of 878 kilometers, can be divided into four different characteristics of the river.
A quasi three dimensions molecular dynamic method was used to simulate the effect of hydrogen on dislocation emission and crack propagation in nickel. In situ o
The potential energy surface for the CH3S + NO2 reaction has been studied using the ab initio G3 (MP2) method. A variety of possible complexes and saddle point
The title compound, [Mn(salen)(salicyl)]?.5H2O ( H2salen = N, N?ethylenebis- (salicylideneaminato), Hsalicyl = salicylaldehyde), has been obtained from the reac
据有关人士调查分析,我国玩具市场在今后几年内将出现八大竞争趋势: 行业竞争 过去,玩具是由二轻工业归口管理、生产,其他行业认为玩具是“小儿科”,不以为然。如今,不少行
Adsorption equilibria of CH4 and N2 on activated carbon and silica gel were measured for a wide temperature range covering the critical point: 158-298K for CH4,
一、潮汐水轮泵站简介我国第一个利用潮汐能为动力的水轮泵站,于1955年冬在闽侯县城门公社浚边大队兴建,1956年4月竣工放水,安装60—2.5—125型水轮泵一台(转轮直径 D-1=60
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本刊1983年№3发表的“锥形导水机构关闭时导叶的密合计算”一文, 公式(11)和(13)都是近似公式。本文是在此基础上进一步推导出了准确计算公式,方法简便。
The article publ
On December 23, 2013, a list of the top 10 phrases and topics on the Internet in 2013 was released by baike.com, the largest Chinese-language encyclopedia online, in conjunction with the Chinese Cultu