本刊编辑部2009年第10期将推出纪念建国60周年专刊。专刊拟设置“第一书记论坛”、“后备军先锋”、“率兵带民建功西部大开发”、“我的故事”、“老照片·新影像”、“红色土地新变迁”等10余个栏目,欢迎大家踊跃赐稿。 1、第一书记论坛——请西南地区一些经济发展快,具有一定示范意义的城市、乡镇的第一书记,以第一人称或答记者问的形式,着重回顾建国以来一手抓国防建设、一手抓经济建设取得的成就,展示军民同心共建和谐社会的新风貌。 2、后备军先锋——宣扬民兵预备役人员中的杰出人士、精英人物、企业领袖、文化大家,讲述民兵预备役自己的故事。
Our editorial department in 2009 No. 10 will be introduced to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the founding of a special issue. The special issue plans to set up “First Secretary of the Forum”, “reserve military pioneer”, “troops and civilians with western development”, “my story ”, “old photos new image ”, “Red land new changes ” more than 10 columns, everyone is welcome to contribute. 1. The First Secretary-General’s Forum - First Secretary of the Cities and Towns in Southwest China that Has Quickly Developed and Certainly Demonstrates Its Importance in the Form of First Person or A-reporter Questions, Emphasizing on the One-Hand Grasp of National Defense Construction Since the Founding of the People’s Republic of China Achievements made in economic construction and demonstrate the new outlook of the army and the people who jointly build a harmonious society. 2. Reserve Army Pioneer - Spokes out outstanding individuals, elites, business leaders, and cultural leaders among the militia reservists. It tells the story of the militia reserve.