Internet survey on the provision of complementary and alternative medicine in Japanese private clini

来源 :结合医学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qinchuanhedian
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Objective: Although the use of complementary and altative medicine (CAM) by the general population has been surveyed previously, the provision of CAM by Japanese physicians in private clinics has not been studied. Universal health insurance system was established in Japan in 1961, and most CAMs are not on the drug tariff. We aimed to clarify the current status of CAM provided by physicians at private clinics in Japan. Methods: We conducted an intet survey on 400 directors/physicians of private clinics nationwide on the provision of CAM from February 6 to February 10, 2017. Survey items included attributes of subjects, presence/absence of sections or facilities for provision of CAM, proportions of health insurance coverage for medical practices, and source of information. Private clinic was defined as a clinic run by one physi-cian, with less than 20 beds. Results: Commonly provided CAMs were Kampo (traditional Japanese herbal) medicines (34.8%) and sup-plements/health foods (19.3%). CAMs on the drug tariff were provided in 46.5% of cases at the clinics, but only 16.5% of cases were provided CAMs which were not on the drug tariff, at different neighboring facil-ities. Among different specialties, Kampo medicines were prescribed at obstetrics/gynecology (54.0%), orthopedics (44.4%), and dermatology (43.0%). Clinics not providing any CAM accounted for 53.5%. With regard to health insurance coverage, 96.8% of the clinics provided only or mainly health services on the universal national health insurance tariff (29.8% and 67.0%, respectively). Conclusion: Kampo medicines represent the most commonly used CAM in private clinics in Japan, and universal national health insurance coverage is considered to be the reason for the high rate of their use.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to test the feasibility of integrating acupuncture into the routine care of living liver and kidney donors during the p
危险的分离术    南京军区总医院神经外科副主任、副主任医师王汉东介绍说:连体人相连的方式有很多种,头部相连是其中比较少见的,而且头部相连也有很多种情况。有的是皮肤相连,有的是颅骨相连,这两种都是比较简单的,最麻烦的是两人的脑组织相连,在供血方面只有一套系统,也就是两人共一根主血管。伊朗的这对连体姐妹就是脑体相连、后脑共用一条主动脉。当出现这种情况时,两人中只有一人能拥有原来的血管,因此必须为另一
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