Investigation on mechanical exhaust of cabin fire in large-space building

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qinslin5043
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A calculation model for mechanical exhaust rate in large-space building in the case of cabin fire is proposed through theoretical analysis. Full-scale hot smoke tests are then performed to study the cabin fire spreading to large-space building at dif- ferent air change rates (ACH). The result indicates that under the standard pre- scribed ACH, the effective air heights in the large spaces are respectively 6, 4 and 2 m in the case of cabin fires of 0.34, 0.67 and 1 MW. Numerical experiment has been conducted using self-developing two-zone model. The smoke control effi- ciency is compared by varying the large space’s air change rate in the case of cabin fires ranging from 0.25 to 4 MW. The calculation results show that the air change rates are respectively 3, 6, 10 and 10 ACH when the smoke layer is kept above 5 m, indicating that the centralized exhaust rates far exceed the standard prescribed value. To address this problem, a set of subsidiary distributed mechanical exhaust installing in the cabin with high fire loads is proposed. The simulation shows that both from the safety and economy point of view, the adoption of subsidiary dis- tributed cabin exhaust design may effectively reduce the demand of designed air change rate for large-space building. A calculation model for mechanical exhaust rate in large-space building in the case of cabin fire is proposed through theoretical analysis. Full-scale hot smoke tests are then studied to the cabin fire spreading to large-space building at dif- ferent air change Rates ACH. The result indicates that the standard pre-scribed ACH, the effective air heights in the large spaces are respectively 6, 4 and 2 m in the case of cabin fires of 0.34, 0.67 and 1 MW. Numerical experiment has was conducted using self-developing two-zone model. The smoke control effi- ciency is compared by varying the large space's air change rate in the case of cabin fires ranging from 0.25 to 4 MW. The calculation results show that the air change rates are respectively 3, 6, 10 and 10 ACH when the smoke layer is kept above 5 m, indicating that the concentration of exhaust rates far exceed the standard prescribed value. To address this problem, a set of subsidiary distributed mechanical exhaust installin g in the cabin with high fire loads is proposed. The simulation shows that both from the safety and economy point of view, the adoption of subsidiary dis- tributed cabin exhaust design may effectively reduce the demand of designed air change rate for large-space building .
据媒体报道,广西南宁一男子喝了一碗放在冰箱3天的黄豆汤后,中毒休克,肝、肾等多处脏器功能损害。据了解,这名男子是因为肉毒杆菌引起的肠源性感染。肉毒杆菌是一种生长在缺氧环境下的细菌,是目前毒性最强的毒素之一。人一旦食入和吸收这种毒素后,神经系统将遭到破坏,出现头晕、呼吸困难和肌肉乏力等症状。  医生提醒说,通过冰箱保鲜的食品,可能闻起来没有馊味,但很可能早已变质。冰箱里的食物留久了不可再吃,尤其不能
摘 要: 如何提高政治课教学效果,本文认为应从五个方面入手,即教师应好学;兴趣是最好的老师;师生互动,培养创造性思维;善用激励性评价;精讲精练,该放手时要放手。  关键词: 中学政治课 教学效果 提高途径    每当告诉别人我是政治教师时,都会听到这样的话:“政治不好教啊!学生不爱听。”“枯燥、乏味、尽是大道理。”而我都会不服气地说:“课改了,新课程要求课堂教学的开放性、师生关系的民主性、教学模式