一、什么是噪光污染 从所周知,适宜的光是一切生命存续和繁衍所必不可少的能源。然而,相关实践经验及科学研究显示,超过一定限度的光又会在某种程度上破坏环境所能给人带来的舒适性及可适应性,造成城市和自然生态环境的污染,这种不适宜的光,我们称之为噪光。作为一种新生事物,其概念的内涵和外延目前尚未得到学术界公认的明确而规范的科学界定。在环境保护法领域中,笔者暂且将其定
First, what is the noise pollution As we all know, the appropriate light is the essential energy for the survival and reproduction of all life. However, the relevant practical experience and scientific research show that light exceeding a certain limit will to some extent destroy the comfort and adaptability that the environment can bring, resulting in the pollution of urban and natural ecological environment. Suitable light, we call it noise. As a new thing, the connotation and extension of its concept have not yet been recognized by the academic clear and standardized scientific definition. In the field of environmental protection law, I will set it for the time being