斜张桥发展中遇到的技术问题很多,都有待进一步探讨解决。本文拟根据国内外的资料,对具有分歧意见的塔高的选择问题,谈谈个人的意见,以便引起进一步的讨论,使这一问题得到更好的解决。 这一问题是从上海同济大学周念先教授所著《预应力混凝土斜张桥设计构思》和苏联几位学者的论点有矛盾引起的。现把两方的论述引出如下: “2.3塔高H:按照经济分析与习用比例,对双塔取H=(0.16~0.20)L_2是好的。只要塔的高度不会带来施工困难,H宜偏高取用,因可节约钢索,故一般皆取0.2。因此H可以定下来,在特大跨度中可考虑较小的比值,例如L_2=520米,H=86米,H/L_2
Diao Zhangqiao many technical problems encountered in development, have yet to be further explored. According to the domestic and foreign information, this article intends to talk about personal opinion on the question of the choice of towering opinions with different opinions so as to arouse further discussion so that the problem can be solved better. This problem is caused by the contradiction between the conception of design of prestressed concrete diagonal bridge designed by Professor Zhou Nianxian of Shanghai Tongji University and the arguments of several scholars in the Soviet Union. The discussion of the two parties now leads to the following: "2.3 Tower H: According to the economic analysis and the conventional proportion, it is good to take H = (0.16-0.20) L_2 for the twin towers, as long as the tower height does not cause construction difficulties, H Therefore, H should be set so that small ratios such as L_2 = 520 m, H = 86 m, H / L 2