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金属硬度是检查产品质量、测定材料机械性能、以及确定合理加工工艺的重要指标之一。但是测量产品零件的硬度时,要想获得准确的结果,除要有统一的测量方法外,还需要有准确的、可靠的国家硬度基准,它是保证硬度计量准确一致的必要的物质基础。而各种产品为控制其质量,又需根据零件的工作条件制订一定的硬度标准。从1959年起,我国的硬度基准采用苏联基准洛氏硬度块作为临时的洛氏硬度基准(简称旧基准),我国轴承零件的硬度标准也采用苏联的国家标准,如套圈和滚子的硬度合格标准为HRc61~65(即旧值)。遵循毛主席“独立自主、自力更生”的教导,国家科委计量局于1962年曾正式下达文件,贯彻我国在1961年建立的自己的洛氏硬度基准(简称新基准)。由于新、旧硬度基准之间相差一定的硬度值,轴承行业就陆续采用新基准定度,再换算成旧基准考核,给质量检查带来 Metal hardness is to check the quality of products, measuring the mechanical properties of materials, as well as determine the reasonable processing technology one of the important indicators. However, when measuring the hardness of product parts, in order to obtain accurate results, in addition to a uniform measurement method, accurate and reliable national hardness standards are needed, which are necessary material bases for ensuring accurate and consistent measurement of hardness. The various products to control its quality, but also according to the working conditions of parts to develop a certain degree of hardness standards. Since 1959, the hardness benchmark of our country adopts the reference Rockwell hardness block of the Soviet Union as the temporary Rockwell hardness benchmark (referred to as the old benchmark), and the hardness standard of our country’s bearing parts also adopts the national standards of the Soviet Union, such as the hardness of the ferrule and the roller Eligibility criteria for HRc61 ~ 65 (that is, the old value). Following Chairman Mao’s teachings of “independence and self-reliance,” the Bureau of Metrology of the State Science and Technology Commission formally issued a document in 1962, implementing its own Rockwell hardness benchmark established in 1961 (the new benchmark). As a result of new and old hardness of a certain difference between the hardness of the benchmark value, the bearing industry will gradually adopt the new benchmark, and then converted into the old benchmark assessment, quality inspection brought
在这样一个嘈杂的时代里 我们寻找一种频率、一个声音 可以彻底放松神经,可以沉淀我们的心,可以把想说的话表达出来 最后我们—— In such a noisy era we look for a frequ
评点:张引  文章摆事实讲道理并举。作者首先从普遍的生活现象出发,抛出了“人生需要懂得反思”这个论题,而后讲道理,指出“反思”是成功的前提;接着,作者用事实说话,具例和泛例结合,合力佐证“反思”的价值;最后作者用一句话收束全文,言简意赅。  这是一个喧嚣的时代,人们为名奔波劳累,为利辗转忙碌,在沉沉浮浮、起起落落之间徘徊。看起来,他们似乎在大步流星地前行着,可回头一看,黯然发现自己虽付出了许多,却
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本文建立了一类般型空间五杆机构R R R S R优化数学模型,以及把一个中间运动参量作为浮动设计变量的、一般类型空间六杆机构R R R R C R优化数学模型。并用D F P变尺度法分别
通过文献资料及当前体育信息发展的现状分析、研究如何使我国体育信息达到资源共享,并提出笔者的看法,供同仁参考。 Through the literature and the current situation of th