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盼望中,我们已经闻到了2006年春节的气息。人们总会为喜庆佳节制造些噱头,戌狗年伊始,狗自然而然成了茶余饭后的话题。狗是人类的好朋友,印象中的狗全如SNOOPY那般惹人怜爱。其实,这是对狗的误解。作为自然的造物,狗的野性就从未消失过。世界上就有十种极度凶猛的犬类,他们并非供人玩弄的宠儿,它们神勇善斗,它们嗜血如渴,正是它们扛起了犬族最原始的尊严。NBA赛场上驰骋着这么一些球员,他们身上闪烁的正是猛犬的灵性,他们的体内流淌的正是猛犬的血液。他们会满场飞奔充满激情,他们会捍卫自家球队的荣誉誓死不休,他们甚至会为了救一个球扑进观众席而置危险于度外,是他们让昏昏欲睡的球迷眼前发亮,是他们让比赛如此紧张刺激。我们应该为这种体育精神鼓掌致敬!凶勇如犬的球员中,几个身影我们格外熟悉。他们是联盟里最卖座的风云人物,他们是球队中不可获缺的守护之神,他们甚至是许多球迷观看比赛的惟一理由。他们,就是我们文章的十位主角儿。 Hope, we have smelled the atmosphere of the 2006 Spring Festival. People always create gimmicks for the festive season, Xu dog at the beginning of the dog naturally became a topic of gossip. Dogs are human good friends, impressed dogs as SNOOPY so cuddly. In fact, this is a dog’s misunderstanding. As a natural creation, the dog’s wildness has never disappeared. There are ten extremely ferocious dogs in the world. They are not the darling of human beings. They are brave and benevolent. They are so thirsty that they carry the most primitive dog’s dignity. There are so many players riding in the NBA arena, and the flickering of the mastiffs is the spirituality of the bulldogs, the blood of the bulldogs flowing inside them. They will be filled with passion, they will defend the honor of their own team vowing to death, they will even put a ball to the audience in order to save the ball placed dangerous, is that they let drowsiness fans shine , Is that they make the game so exciting. We should pay tribute to this sporting applause! Fear of the players, a few of the figure we are particularly familiar with. They are the biggest hitters in the league and they are the indispensable gods of the team, and they are the only reason many fans watch the game. They are the ten main characters in our essay.
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