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唐朝王湾《次北固山下》的颈联“海日生残夜,江春入旧年”两句,其意思本来非常清楚明白,就写两种自然景象:天还没有亮,太阳已经出来了;年还没有过,春天已经来到了。它和颔联的“潮平两岸阔,风正一帆悬”一样,都是作者来到北固山下所看到的实实在在的景象,没有什么微言大义。但是每次在中学课堂上听课,发现教师大都把这两句诗讲得玄奥复杂、莫名其妙,有的大讲 The Tang Dynasty Wang Wan “Beibeigu Hill” neck “Sea Day Residual Night, Spring into the old year,” two sentences, the meaning was originally very clear to understand, write two natural phenomena: the sky is not bright, the sun has been Come out; the year has not yet, spring has come. Like the “tide of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and the smooth flying of the wind,” it is nothing less than what the author came to see under the Beacon Hill. However, each time I attend a lecture in a middle school classroom, I find that most of the teachers find the mysterious complexities and mysteries of these two poems. Some say that
摘要本文对国内广告翻译研究20年的成果进行了系统梳理和研究。从现代翻译理论和相关学科理论两个方面出发,探讨了它们对于广告翻译研究的影响。通过研究发现,广告翻译研究的方法和内容的特点,趋于多元化和学科交叉化。最后针对存在的问题指出今后研究的方向:1、对分类广告翻译进行深入研究;2、拓宽广告翻译的研究领域;3、加大对汉语广告英译的研究。  关键词:广告 翻译 标准 方向  中图分类号:H059 文献标