
来源 :常州工业技术学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cppgreate
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一、当前青少年违法犯罪的基本情况和主要特点 青少年违法犯罪加剧、增多,已成为全社会普遍关注的问题。据报道,去年全国公安机关共接报刑事案件166.1万起,刑事案件发案率为全国人口总数的万分之14.28。去年全国公安机关共破获刑事案件165.8万起,青少年犯罪占犯罪总人数的70%。近年来,我市在市委、市政府领导下,各部门各尽职能,对遏制青少年违法犯罪做了大量工作,取得了一定成效。但从当前现实情况看,我市青少年违法犯罪总的态势仍很严峻。1993年我市公安机关查获青少年刑事案成员2557名,占全市刑事作案成员的67.5%。绝对数比1992年上升43.8%。1994年1—9月共查获青少年刑事作案成员1787名,占全市刑事作案成员数的66%,绝对数比1993年同期又增加了25%。我市检察机关1994年受理的犯罪案件中有青少年1447人,占全部案犯总数的64.3%,绝对数比1993年上升17%。青少年违法犯罪居高不下,绝对数逐年增多,主要特点是“一低几多”: I. Basic Conditions and Main Characteristics of the Current Juvenile Delinquency The increasing crime juvenile delinquency has become a widespread concern of the entire society. It is reported that a total of 1,661,000 criminal cases were reported to the public security organs nationwide last year, and the incidence rate of criminal cases was 14.28 percent of the total population of the country. Last year, a total of 1.658 million criminal cases were uncovered by public security organs nationwide, and juvenile delinquents accounted for 70% of the total number of crimes. In recent years, under the leadership of the municipal party committee and municipal government, various departments of the municipality have done their due diligence and done a great deal of work to curb the delinquency of juveniles and have achieved some success. However, judging from the current reality, the general situation of juvenile delinquency in our city is still grim. In 1993, 2,557 members of juvenile criminal cases were seized by public security organs of our city, accounting for 67.5% of the total number of members committing criminal crimes in the city. The absolute number increased by 43.8% over 1992. From January to September 1994, a total of 1,787 members of juvenile delinquents were seized, accounting for 66% of the total number of members committing criminal crimes in the city. The absolute number has also increased by 25% over the same period of 1993. Among the criminal cases accepted by the procuratorial organs in our city in 1994, 1,447 were young people, accounting for 64.3% of the total number of all the cases and the absolute number increased by 17% over 1993. The number of juvenile delinquency is on the rise, the absolute number has increased year by year, the main feature is “how many”:
家庭教育是一切教育的基础,它融于日常生活之中。教育与生活在时间、空间、活动上往往是统一的,更容易被孩子所接受。为充分优化学校、社区 Family education is the basis