韭菜迟眼蕈蚊Bradysia odoriphaga Yang et Zhang属双翅目眼蕈蚊科迟眼蕈蚊属,其幼虫俗称“韭蛆”(杨集昆和张学敏,1985),以钻蛀韭菜地下鳞茎进行为害,致使地下部腐烂、地上部瘦弱和萎蔫,严重时造成缺苗断垄甚至成片死亡,是我国韭菜生产上的主要害虫(梅增霞等,2003)。由于其幼虫在地下隐蔽为害,且主要依赖化学农药防治,以致“毒韭菜”事件屡有发生,严重威胁着人民生命、生活和生态环境。因此,本试验利用黄色粘虫板、糖醋液和水,系
Lepidoptera Bradysia odoriphaga Yang et Zhang is a member of the genus Diptera, which is commonly referred to as “Leek Maggots” (Yang Jikun and Zhang Xuemin, 1985) Resulting in decay of underground parts, thin and wilting above ground, resulting in lack of seedlings to break or even die in serious cases. It is a major pest in Chinese leek production (Mei Zengxia et al., 2003). Because its larvae are hidden in the ground and rely mainly on the prevention and control of chemical pesticides, “poisonous leeks” frequently occur, which seriously threaten people’s life, life and ecological environment. Therefore, this experiment using yellow sticky board, sweet and sour liquid and water, Department