
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dengwj
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Hemochromatosis is a genetically heterogeneous condition. Mutations in the recently described hemojuvelin gene were found in patients with juvenile hemochromatosis, who usually manifest clinical signs of iron overload, including cardiomyopathy and hypogonadism, in their teens and early 20s. In this report, we describe three Japanese patients who showed typical clinical and hepatic histological damage compatible with hemochromatosis at around 50 years of age. Genetic analyses showed that all three patients carried mutations in the hemojuvelin gene. The first patient was homozygous for a novel mutation (745G > C[D249H]), and the second and third patients from the same family were homozygous for another novelmutation (934C > T [Q312X]). No mutations in their HFE, hepcidin, transferrin receptor 2, or ferroportin genes were found. One patient had chronic infection with Helicobacter pylori. The age at initial presentation of hemojuvelin-hemochromatosis occurs over a wider range than previously described. Mutations in the recently described hemojuvelin gene were found in patients with juvenile hemochromatosis, who usually manifest clinical signs of iron overload, including cardiomyopathy and hypogonadism, in their teens and early 20s. In this report, we describe three Japanese patients who showed typical clinical and hepatic histological damage compatible with hemochromatosis at around 50 years of. Genetic analysis showed that all three patients carried mutations in the hemojuvelin gene. The first patient was homozygous for a novel mutation (745G> C [D249H] ), and the second and third patients from the same family were homozygous for another novel motif (934C> T [Q312X]). No mutations in their HFE, hepcidin, transferrin receptor 2, or ferroportin genes were found. One patient had chronic infection with Helicobacter pylori. The age at initial presentation of hemojuvelin-hemochromatosis occurs over a wider range than previous ly described.
目的检测罗定市5个地方性氟中毒村的水氟、尿氟,了解该地区地方性氟中毒的现状及防治效果。方法氟斑牙诊断采用Dean氏氟斑牙诊断方法;水氟检测采用GB/T 5750.5—2006《生活饮
同胞们,同志们,朋友们:  今天,我们在这里隆重举行纪念全民族抗战爆发77周年仪式,目的是铭记历史、缅怀先烈、珍视和平、警示未来,坚定不移走和平发展道路,坚定不移维护世界和平。  1937年7月7日,日本侵略者为了达到以武力吞并全中国的罪恶野心,悍然炮轰宛平城,制造了震惊中外的卢沟桥事变。卢沟桥畔一时间硝烟弥漫、笼罩在侵略者燃起的熊熊战火之中,中国军民对日本军国主义侵略进行了顽强抵抗。从卢沟桥事变