点亮职教魅力 成就多彩人生

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党的十八大以来的五年,宁夏职业技术学院全面贯彻党的教育方针,落实党委领导下的校长负责制,紧贴宁夏回族自治区经济社会发展需要,始终把立德树人作为根本任务,坚持创新驱动发展,聚焦内涵建设,深化产教融合,综合办学实力明显提升,为宁夏及周边地区培养输送了一大批高素质技术技能型人才,点亮了莘莘职教学子成就多彩人生的梦想,赋予了职业教育新的魅力与内涵。技能为本,办学水平持续攀升学校始终以提高教育教学质量、 Five years after the 18th CPC National Congress, Ningxia Polytechnic has implemented the party’s education policy in an all-round way, implemented the responsibility system for principals under the leadership of the party committee, adhered closely to the economic and social development of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and always regarded it as a fundamental task. Adhere to innovation-driven development, focusing on the connotation construction, deepen the integration of production and teaching, significantly improve the overall strength of running a school for the Ningxia and the surrounding area to train a large number of high-quality technical and technical personnel training, lit the students to achieve colorful life dream , Given the new charm and connotation of vocational education. Skills-based, school-level continued to climb The school has always been to improve the quality of education and teaching,