一、问题的提出 有关宋末东莞学者李用的生平史事,在一些地方志和人物传记中多有记载,但他仅为一介儒士,并无一官半职,所著《论语解》、《竹隐集》亦已早佚,仅存诗一首,致使其生平事迹鲜为人传颂,而其“身浮海日本,以诗书教授”的活动,国内史籍更是语焉不详,即求之于东瀛,亦甚难寻,虽有中日之博学鸿儒如梁容若、桑原骘藏、木宫泰彦等诸前辈的着意搜求,亦终无所获,即如在1991年出版的北大严绍玉教授的《汉籍在日本的流布》研究一书也没有只字提及,这也就很令人费解,成为了历史悬案而应由后来者去求索了。
First, the issue raised About the late Song Dynasty in Dongguan scholar Lee’s biographical history, in some local biographies and biographies more than recorded, but he is only a Confucian scholars, there is no official post, the “Analects of Confucius” “Bamboo hidden set” has long been lost, only a poem, resulting in its life deeds as a tribute to the people, and its “body floating in Japan, with poetry professor” activities, the domestic historical records is even less detailed, that is, seeking Japan, is also very hard to find, although the Chinese scholars such as Liang Rong Ruonan, Kuwabara, Kuwabitsuhiko and other predecessors of the deliberate search, and ultimately nothing, as published in 1991, Professor Yan Shaoyu Peking University " There is no single mention of the study on the spread of Chinese in Japan, which is very puzzling. It has become a matter of history but should be sought later.