Application and Thinking of Case Teaching in the Reform of Clinical Pharmacy Undergraduate Education

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  Abstract:Objective:To explore and think deeply about the reform of teaching reform through the clinical practice mode of clinical pharmacy undergraduates centered on case assessment and the clinical pharmacy undergraduate theory course with case as a clue.Methods:To summarize and reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of the case teaching mode in undergraduate education in clinical pharmacy,and to improve clinical pharmacy education.RESULTS:The theory and practice teaching used a differentiated case model.Establish a clinical practice model for cooperation between schools and hospitals.Conclusion:Case teaching is a feasible way to train applied clinical pharmacy professionals.
  Keywords:clinical pharmacy case model internship
  As a branch of pharmacy undergraduate in China,clinical pharmacy is based on the application of hospital medicine,which is the intersection of pharmacy and clinical medicine,and adapts to the development trend of hospital pharmacy services centered on patients in China.
  1 Case teaching in the application of clinical pharmacy education
  Undergraduate students in clinical pharmacy of Inner Mongolia Medical University have passed the theoretical courses of pharmacy and clinical medicine,and have basic theoretical knowledge of clinical treatment,which has laid a solid knowledge foundation for case teaching.In the teaching of professional courses,the clinical pharmacology theory class tries the case teaching of drug treatment;taking the case as a clue,it runs through the theoretical teaching course of clinical drug therapy.[1] .
  2 Advantages of case teaching in clinical pharmacy education
  Helping to stimulate interest in learning Young students are active in their thinking,have wide and varied interests,are curious about the world,have a keen interest in the future for unknown things,are keen to explore unknown things,and quickly accept new situations and new methods.Participate in new work,full of energy,passion,imagination and creativity.The pharmacy theory has many knowledge points and complicated students.Students have insufficient patience and are easy to understand and understand the world from their own perspective,which often has limitations.Case teaching of drug therapy,systematic integration of drug therapy knowledge,summary analysis of case characteristics,and stimulate interest in learning[2] .
  3 Inadequacies in clinical teaching of case teaching
  Case teaching needs to be based on comprehensive basic theoretical knowledge.Clinical medicine and pharmacy knowledge are complicated and trivial.Under the premise that the basic discipline is not mastered,case teaching becomes a source of rootless wood and no water.The boring and well-defined pharmacology,pharmacy,medicinal chemistry,pharmacology,physiology,diagnostics,and internal medicine are the pre-knowledge of case teaching[3] .   4 Case teaching development trend
  Case teaching differentiation.In the clinical pharmacy theory class and the practice of graduation practice,different case teaching modes are adopted.1 The standard case model is adopted in the theoretical teaching,and a large amount of information in the case is discarded,and the key knowledge of the classic disease is refined,and the construction tends to drug selection,adverse drug reaction,and individualization.Standard case models in different directions,such as medication [4] .
  [1]. Cheema E.The Need to Introduce Simulation-Based Teaching in Pharmacy Education in Saudi Arabia.Pharmacy(Basel).2018;6(3).
  [2]. Fuentes AV,Pineda MD,Venkata KCN.Comprehension of Top 200 Prescribed Drugs in the US as a Resource for Pharmacy Teaching,Training and Practice.Pharmacy(Basel).2018;6(2).
  [3]. Onda M,Takagaki N.[Approach to Evidence-based Medicine Exercises Using Flipped Teaching:Introductory Education for Clinical Practice for 4th-Year Pharmacy Students].Yakugaku zasshi:Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan.2018;138(5):645-7.
  [4]. Kolar C,Hager K,Janke KK.Using peer teaching to introduce the Pharmaceutical Care Model to incoming pharmacy students.Currents in pharmacy teaching & learning.2018;10(2):170-7.
  *Corresponding author,email
  (作者單位:1.Department of Pharmacy,Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical University,Hohhot,China,010050;2.Department of Stomatology,Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical University,Hohhot,China,010050)
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