A dollar back, Vientiane update. In the new year, a new batch of new readers has been added to this issue, so we must first introduce the “target of public criticism.” This section is the traditional column of this magazine, but also one of the most extensive section of the reader’s participation. We hope to maintain this characteristic. This year, readers and friends together to commodity text “physical examination ”. “Physical examination ” includes the name of the product, product measurement units, product description text, product advertising and so on. In a word, any errors in the use of words related to the product are listed in our Physical Examination. Once you find the product text error, please keep the original, the convenience of the package can be sent directly to the editorial department; mail the difficulties, you can take a photo. Best to have a product “Panorama ” and two close-up errors. To account for the goods manufacturer, company address and other information, so that the editorial department contact verification. “The more the merrier”. This column will be published monthly a “medical report”. Welcome readers and friends to actively participate.