
来源 :中国边疆民族研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cardio
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唐朝与新罗合力击溃百济之后,新罗又在唐朝的援助下灭亡了宿敌高句丽,却厚颜无耻地扶助高句丽遗民对抗唐朝、起兵叛乱,图谋于驱逐唐朝在朝鲜半岛的势力,同时略取唐朝领有的全部百济故地。由此,唐朝与新罗反复冲突的结果,就是唐朝最终放弃了占领半岛的想法。这也就是所谓新罗统一半岛。本文目的在于检讨和批判与以上问题有关的唐朝与新罗两方面的史籍记录,对于其间从来未被详加审视的历史过程予以考察。 After the efforts of the Tang Dynasty and Silla to crush Baekje, Silla had destroyed the beloved Gogol under the aid of the Tang Dynasty, but brazenly supported the Goguryeo descendants in fighting the Tang Dynasty, revolting troops and insurgents, and plotting to expel the Tang forces in the Korean Peninsula at the same time Slightly take the possession of the entire Baekje Tang dynasty. Thus, the result of repeated clashes between the Tang Dynasty and Silla was that the Tang finally gave up the idea of ​​occupying the peninsula. This is the so-called Silla Peninsula. The purpose of this paper is to review and criticize the historical records of both the Tang and Silla in relation to the above issues and examine the historical processes that have never been examined in detail.
另类小型食品超市    大型超市里高高的货架上陈列的食品琳琅满目,纷繁复杂得让人眼花缭乱。几乎所有的超市都千篇一律。因此可开一家另类小型食品超市,让它与一般的超市有明显的区别。即在所住的小区大门附近租一个大约20平米的门面。既然是另类食品超市,就不能卖一些大众化的商品。要有特色。综合各大商场和超市的特色食品,精心在食品批发市场、专卖店等处选择适合自己经营的品种进货,同时委托经常出差的亲友物色各地有