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吉林省人民政府令第246号《吉林省规范涉及企业行政执法行为若干规定》已经2014年8月14日省政府第10次常务会议审议通过,现予公布,自2014年10月1日起施行。省长巴音朝鲁2014年8月18日第一条为规范涉及企业行政执法行为,保护企业合法权益,优化经济发展环境,根据国家有关法律、法规的规定,结合本省实际,制定本规定。第二条本省行政区域内各级行政执法机关开展涉及企业(含个体工商户)的行政执法 Jilin Provincial People’s Government Decree No. 246 “Jilin Province Regulates Business Administration Law Enforcement Certain Provisions” was reviewed and approved at the 10th executive meeting of the provincial government on August 14, 2014, and is hereby announced as of October 1, 2014 . Governor Bayinchaolu August 18, 2014 Article 1 These Provisions are formulated in accordance with the provisions of relevant state laws and regulations and in the light of the actual conditions of the province in order to regulate the law enforcement and administrative actions involving enterprises, protect the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises, and optimize the economic development environment. Article 2 The administrative law-enforcement organs at all levels within the province’s administrative region shall carry out administrative law enforcement involving enterprises (including individual industrial and commercial households)
望圣红:为新育成的早熟优质南瓜,果肉厚,果皮金红色,肉橘黄色,面如蛋黄,甜香可口,单瓜重2公斤,肉厚3.2厘米,单株结瓜3 ~ 5个,产量高,各方面均优于一般红色南瓜,667平方米(1亩)产4000公斤以上,耐储藏。  望圣甜栗:早熟,比进口品种早熟3天。品质超群,果形、颜色一致,个个干面甜香。每株结瓜2 ~ 3个,单瓜重1500克,抗病、高产。  短蔓红:由日本引进。该品种具有成熟早、转红快的特