
来源 :福建艺术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:javaoak
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在第四届福建艺术节举办期间,福建省文化厅、福建省艺术研究院组织召开了三次艺术创作研讨会。前两次研讨会主要围绕“全省第24届戏剧会演”的剧目展开及时敏锐、深入细致的研讨,与会专家就剧目的剧本和二度创作等进行多维度的探讨并提出许多为了剧目精致完善、剧种健康发展的建设性意见。在第三次研讨会上,主要从本次艺术节、戏剧会演出发,把握艺术创作现状、厘清艺术发展思路。福建省文化厅厅长宋闽旺、副厅长陈立华出席了第三次研讨会,在会上,宋闽旺厅长指出:“这次艺术节剧目好、表演好、演员好、观众好;为福建艺术提供机会和平台,是海西文化发展中欢乐的节日、文化的节日,在大家的共同努力下前景会更好,我们的改革也将往越来越好的方向进行。”本刊特摘录了三次研讨会中部分专家的发言,以飨福建艺术界同仁,也希望能引发艺术创作者们更多的思考和探索。 During the Fourth Fujian Art Festival, Fujian Provincial Department of Culture and Fujian Provincial Academy of Arts organized three seminars on artistic creation. The first two seminars mainly focused on the drama of “The 24th Provincial Theater Performance” in a timely and keen, intensive and detailed discussion. The participating experts conducted multi-dimensional discussions on the plays and second-degree dramas of the play and put forward many proposals for the repertoire Delicate perfection, the healthy development of drama constructive comments. At the third symposium, we mainly give presentations from this festival and theatrical performance, grasp the status quo of artistic creation and clarify the ideas of artistic development. Song Minwang, director of the Fujian Provincial Department of Culture and Chen Lihua, deputy director of the department attended the third seminar. At the meeting, Minister Song Minwang pointed out: “This art festival has good performances, good performances, good actors and good viewers; Providing opportunities and platforms is a happy holiday and cultural festival in the development of Hercynian culture. With the concerted efforts of all of us, the prospects will be better and our reforms will be conducted in better and better directions. ” The speeches made by some experts in the three seminars aiming at colleagues in Fujian’s art circle also hoped to trigger more thinking and exploration by art creators.