Discrete element method of potential function has some shortcomings such as ambiguous physical meaning of potential function and inconsistent calculation of contact force with objective reality in contact force calculation. Based on the existing research, a new method of distance discrete element method for arbitrary shape block is proposed. In this method, the potential function is defined as the normalized distance function between contacts, which can objectively measure the degree of inter-cell embedding, have a clear physical meaning, and reflect the contact stiffness of the cell in a real sense, so that the normal contact force calculation is more reasonable. In addition, the new method redefined the tangential direction vector and proposed the method of calculating the tangential contact force. The new method retains all the advantages of the original potential function method and improves the contact force calculation by the impact of the element form, and break through the triangular unit constraints, can be applied to arbitrary convex polygon elements. The correctness and validity of the new method are illustrated by several examples, which can be used to accurately describe the motion of complex non-continuous media.