深刻而巨大的变化发生在不知不觉中,人们往日所熟悉的一些东西变得似是而非了;往日从未经历过的一些东西又交替出现在人们的面前。 纷至沓来的变化让人来不及思索,甚至来不及惊诧就溶入了生活。虽不过短短十多年,但蓦然回首,确使人感到恍若隔世。改革开放正促动着中国社会以前所未有的速度向现代化迈进,社会的各个层面都在发生着极为深刻的变化。社会学家们在思考和研究后得出这样的结论:中国社会已进入了全面转型期。 转型,传统社会向 现代化社会的过渡 也许有人对社会转型的概念感到陌生,实际上,我们每个人都或
The profound and enormous changes take place unknowingly. Something familiar to people in the past has become plausible. Some things that have not been experienced in the past have alternately appeared in front of people. After the change is too late to ponder over, not even surprise to dissolve into the life. Although only a short span of ten years, but I look back, really make people feel intrusive. The reform and opening up drive the Chinese society to move toward modernization at an unprecedented rate, and profound changes have taken place at all levels of society. Sociologists have come to the conclusion after thinking and studying that Chinese society has entered a period of full transition. Transition, Transition from Traditional Society to Modern Society Someone may be unfamiliar with the concept of social transformation. In fact, each of us