湖北省青年作家苦乡创作的120万字长篇小说《绿野纯情》,由长江文艺出版社出版后,在文坛引起了轰动,《人民日报》、《中国文化报》等媒体纷纷报道,文学名家也给予了较高的评价。但是没有人知道,在这部巨著的背后站着两位女性,是她们前仆后继,以杜鹃啼血般的爱情成就了丈夫的事业。文学结缘 滴血婚姻 苦乡家住湖北省钟祥市,17岁那年冬天,他带着文学梦走进了军营,在武汉军区司令部当警卫,有幸结识了共和国十几位
After being published by the Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House, the 1200-page novel “Pure innocence” written by bittersweet young writers in Hubei province caused a sensation in the literary world. People like People’s Daily and China Culture Daily reported that many famous literary genres Given a higher rating. However, no one knows that standing behind the great master behind two women is their succession and her husband’s career was accomplished with love of cuckoo blood. Literary knot Blood marriage Married rural lives in Zhongxiang City, Hubei Province, 17 years old that winter, he entered the barracks with literary dreams, guard at the Wuhan Military Region Command, fortunate enough to get to know a dozen Republicans