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小学阶段的儿童不论是在身体还是在思维方面都处于很重要的成长阶段,同一年级的学生在读写方面也存在较大差异,对于这种智力因素与非智力因素方面的差异性,我们必须要通过科学的因材施教才能将整体教学达到均衡,才能使每一个学生不仅都能够达到课程标准的要求,更能使自身获得充分的发展。差异教学的最终目的就是要兼顾学生的个体差异,在提升整体教学水平的同时,促进人均的充分发展,也只有做到了个人的进步才能够最终实现最后共同进步。 Children in elementary school are in a very important stage of growth both in body and in thinking. Students in the same grade also have great differences in reading and writing. For such differences in intellectual and non-intellectual factors, we must It is necessary to achieve a balance in overall teaching through science-based teaching in order to enable each student not only to meet the requirements of the curriculum standards but also to be able to fully develop itself. The ultimate goal of differential teaching is to take into account the individual differences of students. While improving the overall teaching level and promoting the full development of per-capita education, only through personal progress can we finally achieve the final common progress.
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