Construction of Eukaryotic Expression Vector Containing the HHV-8 K12 and Green Fluoresent Protein G

来源 :Journal of Nanjing Medical University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiuqiuls
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Objective To construct eukaryotic expression vector containing the HHV-8 K12 gene and green fluoresent protein gene. Methods The K12 gene of HHV-8 digested with EcoRI and XhoI was inserted into MCS sites of eukaryotic expression vector pCR3.1 to construct -pCR-K12; Green fluoresent protein(GFP) gene was amplified by polymerase chain reaction(PCR) from pGF-Puv as template, digested with KpnI and EcoRI and then inserted into upstream of K12 of pCR-K12 to construct pCR-GFP-K12. Results Restriction endonucleases digestion of pCR-GFP-K12 was the same as expected, in which K12 was fused with GFP and controlled by promoter CMV. Conclusion Construction of pCR-GFP-K12 was successful, which would benefit study on biology activity and action mechanism of HHV-8 K12. Objective To construct eukaryotic expression vector containing the HHV-8 K12 gene and green fluoresent protein gene. Methods The K12 gene of HHV-8 digested with EcoRI and XhoI was inserted into MCS sites of eukaryotic expression vector pCR3.1 to construct-pCR-K12 ; Green Fluoresent protein (GFP) gene was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from pGF-Puv as template, digested with KpnI and EcoRI and then inserted into upstream of K12 of pCR-K12 to construct pCR- GFP-K12. endonucleases digestion of pCR-GFP-K12 was the same as expected, where K12 was fused with GFP and controlled by promoter CMV. Conclusion Construction of pCR-GFP-K12 was successful, which would benefit study on biology activity and action mechanism of HHV -8 K12.
麦长腿蜘蛛(Petrabia latens Müller)是一种顽强的小麦害虫。由于它在旱地区发生的早,为害时期长,抗药性较强,六六六撒粉防治无效,1059虽有杀伤效果,但在广大旱地麦区使用
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