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Changsha Mining Research Institute(CMRI),one of the technical centres especiallyfor comprehensive research on and development of new methods,technology,equipm-ents and materials for mining metal deposits in China,is situated at the foot of theYuelu hill along the western bank of the Xiang-jiang River,Changsha,Hunan Province.Founded in 1956,CMRI is one of the scientific research organizations directlyunder the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry,the People’s Republic of China.At pre-sent,CMRI has nearly 500 scientific and technical personnel,including over 300 seniorengineers and engineers.There are in CMRI eight research departments,nam-ely,mining methodology,sinking and drifting,loading and hauling,rock mechanicsand supporting,drilling tools,blasting technique and materials,rock breaking and drill-ing machinery,and mining automatization and instrumentation,and 10-odd relevantlaboratories such as drilling,blasting,ore drawing,filling,rock mechanics,grout-ing,hydraulic,electric drive,rock breaking,diesel exhaust clearing and elec-tric measurement of non-electric parameters,There are also in its possession a research de-partment of technical information,a central laboratorry and a subsidiary processing plantfor research and trial-manufacture.The scientific research work of CMRI is specially stressed on the efficient methodsof underground mining and advanced construction methods of underground projects Changsha Mining Research Institute (CMRI), one of the technical centers especially for comprehensive research on and development of new methods, technology, equipm-ents and materials for mining metal deposits in China, is situated at the foot of the Yuelu hill along the western bank of the Xiang-jiang River, Changsha, Hunan Province. Founded in 1956, CMRI is one of the scientific research organizations directlyunder the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry, the People’s Republic of China.At pre-sent, CMRI has nearly 500 scientific and technical personnel, including over 300 seniorengineers and engineers. are in CMRI eight research departments, nam-ely, mining methodology, sinking and drifting, loading and hauling, rock mechanics and supporting, drilling tools, blasting technique and materials, rock breaking and drill-ing machinery, and mining automatization and instrumentation, and 10-odd relevant laboratories such as drilling, blasting, ore drawing, filling, rock mechanics, grout-ing, hydraulic, electric drive, roc k breaking, diesel exhaust clearing and elec-tric measurement of non-electric parameters, There are also in possession a research de-partment of technical information, a central laboratorry and a subsidiary processing plant for research and trial-manufacture.The scientific research work of CMRI is specially stressed on the efficient methods of underground mining and advanced construction methods of underground projects
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