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中国人自古以来普遍重农抑商,赚钱似乎是很难为情的事。但是大约2100多年前的史学大家司马迁却把一层面纱挑破:“天下熙熙,皆为利来;天下攘攘,皆为利往。”(《史记·货殖列传》)一语提示经济学第一原理,逐“利”的场所就是市场。看来,我们近年才说得较多的“市场经济”,早在司马迁以前就存在了。司马迁在文中又说到“天水、陇西、北地、上郡与关中同俗……,畜牧为天下饶。”阐明畜牧市场使天水一带的人民富裕了。在《史记·货殖列传》里,司马迁还提到了“致富典型”的猗顿。据《孔丛子》记载,这个猗顿是鲁国的一个穷人,种田时吃不 Since ancient times, Chinese people have generally cherished agriculture and suppressed business. Making money seems to be very difficult. But Sima Qian, a historian of history about 2,100 years ago, took a veil and took it out: “Heavenly Hee-hee, all Li-lai; all the worlds, all profit-seeking.” (“Historical Records”) The principle is that the “profit” place is the market. It seems that the “market economy” that we only talked about more in recent years existed long before Sima Qian. Sima Qian also said in the text that “Tianshui, Longxi, Northland, Shangjun, and Guanzhong have the same customs... Livestock husbandry is the world’s forgiveness.” Explaining the animal husbandry market makes the people in Tianshui area rich. In “Historical Records”, Sima Qian also referred to “a typical example of wealth”. According to the records of Kong Congzi, this is a poor person in Lu and cannot eat when farming.
Travel has come to be a part of work. Sometimes we have even to travel abroad to meet business part-ners, to attend trade fairs, seminars or conferences. You’
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① A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始则不能善终。② A bad compromise is better than a fair lawsuit. 吃亏的和解胜于打赢的官司。③ A bad day never hath a good ? 1 A bad beginning makes a bad ending. If you are not good, you can’t do good. 2