[文题] 苏东坡与惠崇和尚戏语,苏东坡说:“我看你像牛粪。”惠崇说:“我看你像如来。” 苏东坡不解,这和尚怎么以德报怨呢?问其妹苏小妹,苏小妹说:“心存牛粪,看人都如牛粪;心存如来,看人都是如来。”东坡有所悟。你认为苏东坡悟到了什么?它又给你怎样的启发?请联系实际,以“心境”为话题写一篇文章,立意自定,文体自选,题目自拟,不少于800字。
[title] Su Dongpo and Hui Chong monk drama, Su Dongpo said: “I see you like cow dung.” Hui Chong said: “I think you look like Tathagata.” Su Dongpo understands, how did the monk complain about it? Asked her sister Su Xiaomei, Su Xiaomei said: “You have cow dung, and you see people like cow dung. When you come here, you can see people are like Tathagata.” What do you think Su Dongpo realized? How does it give you inspiration? Please contact the actual situation and write an article with the topic of “mood and mood”. Determine your own style and choose your own style. The title should be self-made and should not be less than 800 words.