《摩罗诗力说》是鲁迅早期所作重要论文之一。其主要内容包括两大部分 :第 1— 3节阐释文艺之一般原理 ;4— 9节评价拜伦、雪莱等 7位“摩罗诗人”的思想与创作。全文相当深刻地揭示了文艺的社会功能与审美本质 ,处处闪耀着青年哲人的思想光辉。它是鲁迅建设现代化中国新文艺的理论纲领 ,更是鲁迅希图运用文艺进行精神启蒙 ,进而振兴国家民族的战斗宣言。《摩罗诗力说》的发表 ,为构筑中国现代科学文艺论奠定了一块坚实的基石。
“Mo Luo Shi Li Shuo” is one of the important essays made by Lu Xun in the early period. Its main contents include two parts: Section 1-3 explains the general principles of literature and art; Section 4-9 evaluates the thought and creation of seven “Moro poets” such as Byron and Shelley. The full text reveals quite profoundly the social function and the aesthetic essence of literature and art, and shines with the glorious ideology of young philosophers everywhere. It is the theoretical program of Lu Xun’s construction of a modern Chinese new literature and art. It is also a declaration of battle of Lu Xun trying to use the spirit of literature and art to carry out spiritual enlightenment so as to rejuvenate the nation. The publication of “Mo Luo Shi Li Shuo” laid a solid foundation for the construction of China’s modern science theory of literature and art.