This article reports 1 case of renal pelvis and its combination triple cancer. Male patient 59 years old, in July 1978 due to intermittent hematuria 4 months treatment. Physical examination see the right upper abdomen with a diameter of 15 cm mass, slightly enlarged prostate. Cystoscopy see the right ureteral orifice near the wide base of papillary tumors, and by intravenous pyelography and renal artery angiography suspected bladder cancer and right ureter 筗 Chen ⒂ suspect 龌 V. parrot apricot suspect 鍪 淠 蚬 Xin Doudou Dantz Hydantis ζ D惺 跫 white 淠 淠 蚬 芤 easy lips 岢 ξ choke fresh Health J 鹾 碇 碇 碇 na 瞪 鲇 lining け lining け bad head only 侔 ┐ 娌 ⒔ 笊 鍪 arrived at the bladder right ureteral orifice at the papillary transitional epithelial cancer , Prostate adenocarcinoma and histological findings that were significantly different from right renal pelvis. Right after the first 40 days