[目的 /意义]通过挖掘电子商务平台的在线负面评论信息,对网络口碑危机进行模糊预警计算和类型划分,为企业实时监控网络口碑舆情,提高产品正面口碑传播和规避口碑风险提供参考。[方法 /过程]以欧洲消费者满意度模型(ECSI)为基础,从感知质量、感知价值、感知声誉和感知期望4个属性方面构建负面评论网络口碑危机模糊语料词典,结合模糊综合评判方法并改进顾客满意度的四分图模型对网络口碑危机预警进行计算和分类。[结果 /结论]以美团外卖在线评论为例进行实证研究,提出的负面评论网络口碑危机预警计算方法得到了较好的实验检验效果,可为在线产品的网络口碑危机预警提供信息决策。
[Purpose / Significance] By digging the online negative comment information of e-commerce platform, we can make fuzzy early-warning calculation and type division for the Internet word-of-mouth crisis and provide reference for the enterprises to monitor the online public opinion and public opinion in real time, improve the positive word-of-mouth communication and avoid the word-of-mouth risk. [Method / Process] Based on the European Consumer Satisfaction Model (ECSI), this paper constructs a negative word of mouth reputation fuzzy corpus dictionary based on the four attributes of perceived quality, perceived value, perceived reputation and perceived expectation, combined with fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method A four-part graph model to improve customer satisfaction calculates and classifies early warning of Internet word-of-mouth crisis. [Results / Conclusion] Empirical study was conducted with the example of Online Commentary on Takeaways Takeaways. The proposed negative comment on early warning of Internet Word-of-mouth vulnerability got better experimental results and could provide information decision-making for early warning of Internet word-of-mouth crisis of online products.