近年来,丝绸行业的进口设备越来越多,人们在谈到进口设备的价格时往往有点搞不准,同一种进口的同样产品往往会有几种价格。比如,广东进口的日本 LW52C—190型喷水织机的价格,有的说每台4万元,有的说每台5万元,有的还说每台6万元,真可谓众说纷云,这到底是怎么回事呢?事情是这样的,国际上进行贸易洽谈,大多数是以美元作为基本货币单位的,因此成交的最后价格也是以美元计算的,进口设备以美元而
In recent years, there have been more and more imported equipment in the silk industry. When people talk about the price of imported equipment, they are often a little inconvenient. There are often several prices for the same imported products. For example, the price of the Japanese model LW52C-190 water jet loom imported from Guangdong may be said to be 40,000 yuan each, some say 50,000 yuan each, and some say 60,000 yuan each. What happened in the end? The thing is this: Most of the international trade negotiations are based on the U.S. dollar as the basic monetary unit, so the final price of the deal is also calculated in U.S. dollars, and the imported equipment is in U.S. dollars.