1940年,中华人民共和国的五星红旗刚刚在天安门城楼上冉冉升起时,她才十三岁,就带着浓重的巴蜀口音进入了上海育才学校,开始了她的绘画生涯。她,就是当代中国画坛上著名的女画家、侨联会员陈光健女士。 1953年,她还是一个十六、七岁芳龄的少女,即以优异的成绩考入了浙江美术学院;1958年,她怀着继承和发扬祖国优秀艺术传统的美好心愿,毅然来到古城长安,一头扎进了西安美术学院,一干就是近四十年。这四十个春秋啊,其中不知经受了多少风风雨雨,有磨难、有痛苦、有奋进的欢乐,亦有被入误解的心酸;银丝不知不觉爬满了乌发——她已成为不折不
In 1940, when the Five-Star Red Flag of the People’s Republic of China rose just above the Tiananmen Tower, she was only thirteen years old and entered Shanghai Yucai School with a strong Bashu accent to begin her painting career. She is the famous female painter and member of the Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese Miss Chen Guangjian on the contemporary Chinese painting society. In 1953, she was also a 16-year-old girl of the same age, which was admitted to the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts with honors. In 1958, with her good wishes of inheriting and carrying forward the fine tradition of the motherland, she resolutely came to the ancient city of Chang’an, A plunged into the Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts, a dry is nearly 40 years. These 40 years of Spring and Autumn, ah, of which I do not know how much experience the ups and downs, suffering, pain, progressive spirit, has also been misunderstood sad; Silver covered UFA unwittingly - she has become Not folded or not