教育教学的实践已经证明 ,班主任的工作质量对学校整体的教育教学工作有举足轻重的作用。在素质教育已全面展开并深入实施的今天 ,这种作用会更加突出。笔者以多年来班主任工作和物理教学工作中的感受 ,认为班主任要克服教育过程中的“第一印象”、“晕轮效应”、“思维定势”
The practice of education and teaching has proved that the quality of the work of the head teacher plays an important role in the overall education and teaching of the school. Today’s quality education has been fully implemented and in-depth implementation of this role will be more prominent. Based on the experience of working in class teachers and physical teaching work over the years, the author thinks that class teachers should overcome the “first impression”, “halo effect” and “mindset” in the education process,