8月31日,北京市税协召开三届七次理事(扩大)会议。会议主要内容:一是传达贯彻上级有关文件、会议精神;二是通报2016年北京市税务师行业高等级事务所认定结果 ;三是对2015年为行业新发展作出突出贡献的事务所进行表彰。会议主要目的是统一思想,树立发展信心;鼓舞士气,坚定发展信念;转变观念,不断开拓创新,大力推动北京市税务师行业健康持续发展。北京市税协副会长刘志忠主持会议,北京市税协会长姜信讲话。中税协副会长兼秘书
On August 31, the Tax Association of Beijing held a meeting of seven members (enlarged) three times. The main contents of the meeting: First, to convey the implementation of the relevant documents at higher levels, the spirit of the meeting; second is informed of Beijing 2016 tax auditor industry recognized high-level firm results; third is to 2015 for new developments in the industry made outstanding contributions to the office commend. The main purpose of the conference is to unify our thinking, foster confidence in the development, boost morale and firmly develop our faith. We should change our concepts, keep on exploring and innovating, and vigorously promote the healthy and sustainable development of tax practitioner industry in Beijing. Liu Zhizhong, vice chairman of Beijing Tax Association, presided over the meeting and Jiang Xin, president of Beijing Tax Association, made a speech. Tax Association, vice president and secretary