近年来,如何看待西方对华关系成为西方社会热议的话题。一些政客从自身立场出发纷纷抛出对华定位关键词,其中包含的政策信息引发不少关注。这些关键词包括:competitor(竞争者),如serious competitor(重要竞争者)、major competitor(主要竞争者)、strategic competitor(战略竞争者);rival(对手),如rivals like China and Russia(像中俄这样的对手)、systemic rival(系统性对手);opponent(对头);adversary(敌手),如major long-term adversary(主要的长期敌手);enemy(敌人)等。上述英文词词义相近,但内涵存在微妙差异,其中包含的对华认知“微表情”值得细品。
Competitor意为竞争者,指通过击败其他方或建立优势争取或赢得某些东西的个人或组织(a person or an organization that strives to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others)。Rival意为对手,指两方或多方争取达到或得到最终仅有一方能够获得的事物(one of two or more striving to reach or obtain something that only one can possess)。Opponent意为对头,指不赞同某一计划、想法或体系,并试图将其阻止或改变的人(someone who disagrees with a plan, idea or system and wants to try to stop or change it)。Adversary意为敌手,指对抗或竞逐的国家或个人(a country or person that you are fighting or competing against)。Enemy意为敌人,指对另一方怀敌意者,特别是寻求伤害、打倒或击败对手者(one that is antagonistic to another, especially one seeking to injure, overthrow, or confound an opponent)。
Competitor意为竞争者,指通过击败其他方或建立优势争取或赢得某些东西的个人或组织(a person or an organization that strives to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others)。Rival意为对手,指两方或多方争取达到或得到最终仅有一方能够获得的事物(one of two or more striving to reach or obtain something that only one can possess)。Opponent意为对头,指不赞同某一计划、想法或体系,并试图将其阻止或改变的人(someone who disagrees with a plan, idea or system and wants to try to stop or change it)。Adversary意为敌手,指对抗或竞逐的国家或个人(a country or person that you are fighting or competing against)。Enemy意为敌人,指对另一方怀敌意者,特别是寻求伤害、打倒或击败对手者(one that is antagonistic to another, especially one seeking to injure, overthrow, or confound an opponent)。