With the popularization and development of zhenjiu(acupuncture and moxibustion)throughout the world,the international standardization of acupuncture point nomenclature hasbecome a problem in urgent need of solution in the interest of academic exchange of acupunc-ture knowledge.The World Health Organization West Pacific Regional Office in 1980 appointedDr.Andree Nakajima as temporary adviser investigating work on this problem in China.Here,
With the popularization and development of zhenjiu (acupuncture and moxibustion) throughout the world, the international standardization of acupuncture point nomenclature hasbecome a problem in urgent need of solution in the interest of academic exchange of acupunc-ture knowledge. The World Health Organization West Pacific Regional Office in 1980 appointedDr.Andree Nakajima as temporary adviser investigating work on this problem in China. Here,