笔者应用小柴胡汤重用柴胡治疗高热收到满意疗效,现将资料完整的4例报告于下: 一般情况4例患者均为中年男性,病程在5~8天之间,体温在39~40℃之间,均为住院患者,经西医查体、实验室检查及特殊检查(血常规、血沉、出凝血时间、尿常规、大便常规、肥达氏反应、外裴氏反应、X线检查等)无异常发现未能确诊者,均经输液治疗(抗生素等)高热不退。
The author used Xiao Chai Hu Tang to reap the treatment of fever with Bupleurum received satisfactory results, now the complete data of 4 cases are reported below: In general, 4 cases of patients are middle-aged men, the disease course is between 5 to 8 days, the body temperature is 39~ Between 40°C, all hospitalized patients were examined by Western medicine, laboratory tests and special examinations (blood routine, ESR, coagulation time, urine routine, routine bowel movements, Widal Dahl’s reaction, external Che’s reaction, X-ray examination Such as) no abnormal findings were not confirmed, were infusion therapy (antibiotics, etc.) high heat does not retreat.