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对于大多数音乐爱好者来说,一定都曾经有过这样的经历,最早的时候使用装录音带的那一种随身听,也就是我们常说的Walkman,又便宜又方便,腰里一别就走了;然后开始流行CD随身听(Discman),音质确有很大的提高,只不过体积稍显大了些。而现在,我们有一种新的设备可以选择了,当然,有很多时尚的人已经拥有了它,那就是MP3播放器。如今在国内,最便宜的MP3播放器不过几百块钱,大概可以存储8首歌。而新款的高级一点的机器则带有一个小硬盘,可以存储1000多首歌,能持续播放8个小时,而大小只比一盘扑克牌大一点点。挑选什么样的机器会有厂家为你作介绍,真正让使用者费心的是在哪里找到他们想要的音乐,怎样制作这些音乐,怎样管 For most music lovers, there must have been such an experience, the earliest use of cassette tapes that walkman, which we often say Walkman, cheap and convenient, the waist do not leave And then began to popular CD Walkman (Discman), the sound quality has greatly improved, but slightly larger size. Now, we have a new device to choose from, of course, a lot of fashion people already have it, that is the MP3 player. Today in China, the cheapest MP3 player, but a few hundred dollars, probably can store 8 songs. The newer, higher-end machine comes with a small hard drive that can hold more than 1,000 songs and lasts up to eight hours in play, just a little bigger than a poker deck. The selection of what kind of machine will have manufacturers for your introduction, the real bother for users is where to find the music they want, how to make these music, how to control
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卡百利又出重拳,单是专辑的封面就难以抗拒,红气球带了迷幻与想往蒙住了你的眼,就像Dolores的眼神,每次只抓你一个人的心。 14首歌真是花了不少的心血,一开始的(never grow
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