门巴族,约四万人。主要分布于西藏藏族自治区南部门隅地区。少数居住于墨脱、林芝、错那等县。语言属汉藏语系藏缅语族,一半以上人口懂藏语,通用藏文。主要从事农业、兼营林业、牧业和狩猎,有小量手工业。人民能歌善舞,多信喇嘛教。 门巴族的节日活动内容丰富多彩,无论是宗教节日,还是岁时年节,都有许多有趣的礼俗和活动,这里主要介绍主巴法会和年节礼俗活动。
Menba, about 40,000 people. Mainly distributed in the southern corner of Tibetan Autonomous Region in the corner area. A few live in Medog, Nyingchi, the county that is wrong. The language belongs to Tibeto-Burman languages of Sino-Tibetan language family, and more than half of the population know Tibetan language and common Tibetan language. Mainly engaged in agriculture, 兼营 forestry, animal husbandry and hunting, a small handicrafts. The people can sing and dance and believe in Lamaism. There are many interesting etiquette and events in the Meba tribe’s festival activities, whether religious festivals or years old. Here mainly introduce the Fadal and Festivals activities.