中国自流水分区图的编制,是一项新的工作。1955年苏联专家 M.M.克雷洛夫曾编制了第一幅一比二千万“中国自流水分布假想图”。虽然图的内容比较简单,但对于教学和科学研究仍有它一定的参考价值。根据近九年来所积累的大量自流水资料,以及在新编的一系列基本辅助图件的基础上,已经有足够条件编制更详细的中国自流水分区图。但对于中国自流水分区图的编制,目前还没有一套系统的分区原则。本文是对一比三百万中国自流水分区图编制原则的初步探讨,希望大家批评指教。
The establishment of China’s Zisanluo zoning map is a new job. In 1955 Soviet expert M. M. Krelov had compiled the first one to 20 million “artificial water distribution in China”. Although the content of the diagram is relatively simple, it still has some reference value for teaching and scientific research. On the basis of a large amount of artesian water accumulated in the past nine years and a series of basic supplementary maps newly compiled, more detailed conditions have been set for compiling a map of China’s artesian water. However, there is not a set of systematic zoning principles for the compilation of zonation map of China. This article is a preliminary study on the compilation principle of one to three million self-flowing water zonings in China. I hope everyone will criticize them.