兜兰的种类繁多,色彩艳丽,花形奇特,花期甚长,多数种能盛开三周以上。其植株小巧玲珑,许多种的叶面呈大理样花纹,且较耐阴,非常适合盆栽观赏。近年来越来越受到兰花爱好者的重视。但栽培历史远不如春兰、惠兰那样悠久。对它的认识和研究也才仅仅开始。 1.兜兰并非就是洋兰所谓洋兰,应该是从国外引进的兰花。而我国的兜兰资源是比较丰富的。据有关资料介绍,目前在我国境内仅已发现的原生种已达十多个,尤其是叶面带斑点的兜兰,储量很大。
Paphiopedilum variety, colorful, flower-shaped peculiar, flowering very long, most species can bloom for more than three weeks. The plant is small and exquisite, many kinds of leaves were Dali-like pattern, and more shade-tolerant, very suitable for potted ornamental. In recent years, more and more orchid enthusiasts attention. However, the cultivation history is far less Chunlan, Whelan so long. Its understanding and research have just begun. Paphiopedilum is not the so-called foreign blue ocean blue, it should be imported from abroad orchids. Paphiopedilum resources in our country are more abundant. According to relevant information, at present, only 10 native species have been found in our country, especially the paphiopedilum with a spot on the leaf surface.